Eskene III. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2015.
Eskene I. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2010.
Eskene III. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2015.
Pisces. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2016.
Traveller. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2013.
Bird City. ( commission ) Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2013.

A commission for the novel "The Sylvan Song", by Sean Picard, (commission following the previous image, which was conceptualized the year before). The scene illustrates the two main characters finding themselves in the home of a benefactor, in a metropolis of costumed citizens.

Metallic Light of Dusk in a Blue Sky. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Words of the Land. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Out of the Branches. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Untitled. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Flame-Keeper. Ink & watercolour on board by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.
Wanderer. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2013.
Bronze Gardian. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.
Hunger. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.
Exchange. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2013.
Untitled. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Dauvrol. Pencil on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.
Will nor Love. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2015.

No matter what the order,
one will follow.

The Chase. Ink & pencil on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2015.

Was it the trap which set you to flee?

Raphael. Digital painting by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Trócaire/Mercy. Ink, charcoal & wax pencil on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2015.
Let Our Bodies Be the Soil to Grow our Souls. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2011.
Internal. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.
The Well. Ink on paper by Jeremiah LeBlanc. 2009.